As part of the conference 'Boethius: 524-2024' held at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague, Prof. Sam Barrett and Sequentia present a lecture-recital on 'Singing and Listening to the De Consolation philosophise in the Early Middle Ages'.
25Oct '24
24Oct '24Concert: Sequentia perform Boethius, 'Songs of Consolation', Kostel Panny Marie pod řetězem (Prague)
7pm, Thursday 24 October
Venue: Kostel Panny Marie pod řetězem (Church of Our Lady beneath the Chain), Prague
19Oct '23
On 19 October, Professor Barrett will be speaking as part of the series of All Souls Seminars in Medieval and Renaissance Music.
04Oct '19
Sequentia perform their 'Monks Singing Pagans' programme, which features reconstructions of the Boethian songs, at the Festival Musica Antiqua Bingen.
24Mar '19
Sequentia perform their Monks Singing Pagans programme at the Forum Alte Musik Köln in Germany.
20Feb '19
On Wednesday 20 February, Dr Sam Barrett will be talking about restoring the lost songs of Boethius, alongside the 11th-Century Cambridge Songs Manuscript as part of the event Manuscripts and Music by Candlelight at the Cambridge University Library.
14Dec '18
Sequentia perform their programme Monks Singing Pagans for the 2018 Actus Humanus Nativitas Festival in Gdansk, Poland.
07Dec '18
Sequentia perform their programme Monks Singing Pagans as part of the 2018-19 Music at Amherst Chamber Music Series.
25Nov '18
In an episode of The Early Music Show devoted to the Lost Songs project, presenter Lucie Skeaping talks to Sam Barrett and Benjamin Bagby about their collaboration, and the process of reconstrucing the songs from Boethius's De consolatione philosophiae.
22Sep '18
The new series of 'Sons de l'edat mitjana' (Sounds of the Middle Ages), on the Radio Station Catalunya Musica, will open with a feature on B