Hear Sam Barrett talk about his new CD with Sequentia, Boethius: Songs of Consolation, on BBC Radio 3's In Tune, shortly after
12Jul '18
22Jun '18
The CD is available from the Glossa website: http://www.glossamusic.com/glossa/reference.aspx?id=465
Songs of Consolation
Metra from 11th-century Canterbury -
09Jun '18
Sequentia perform their 'Monks Singing Pagans' programme as part of the Berkeley Early Music Festival.
07Jun '18
Sequentia perform the North American premiere of their programme 'Boethius: Songs of Consolation', as part of the Berkeley Early Music Festival, California.
27Apr '18
Sequentia perform their 'Monks Singing Pagans' programme as part of the Voices of Passion series, Park Abbey, Leuven.
27Apr '18
Ahead of Sequentia's evening performance of their 'Monks Singing Pagans' programme, Sam Barrett introduces the techniques behind the reconstruction of this extraordinary, hitherto lost repertoire. House of Polyphony, Leuven.
26Apr '18
Sam Barrett presents a paper on Boethian song reconstruction to students and staff of KU Leuven and the House of Polyphony.
08Apr '18
Sam Barrett presents a talk on 'Anglo-Saxon Music' at the annual meeting of Regia Anglorum, Early Mediaeval Reenactment and LIving History Society.
05Oct '17
Sequentia present their programme 'Monks Singing Pagans', at the Musée de Cluny, Paris.
16Jul '17
Sam Barrett, presents his paper 'Singing the metra of the De consolatione Philosophiae in the Middle Ages' to the Schweizerische Musikforschen de Gesellschaft.